

Grazer GO-Klub
The Graz GO Club has been organizing GO meetings and tournaments in Graz for decades. Our club was founded on April 26, 1976. Since December 2022, we have been a member of Kometin and host a GO evening every two weeks.

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GO Meetings


We hold a GO evening every two weeks throughout the year. Find our schedule at:

Our GO meetings in 2025 (starting at 5 PM till 9 PM)
January February March April Maz June July August September October November December
8.1. 5.2. 5.3. 2.4. 14.5. 11.6. 9.7. 6.8. 3.9. 1.10. 12.11. 10.12.
22.1. 19.2. 19.3. 16.4. 28.5. 25.6. 23.7. 20.8. 17.9. 15.10. 26.11. 24.12.
30.4. 29.10.

Die Kometin (Cultural Association),

Rechbauerstraße 19a/3, 8010 Graz GoogleMap-Link OpenStreetMap-Link

Directions: Enter through the large blue door, walk into the courtyard, and take a diagonal left through an arch of rose and banana trees.

Where to Buy GO Equipment?

GO Ressourcen

Lern Material
GO-Aufgaben (Tsumegos)
Österreichische GO Webseiten

Unsere Short go themed Videos auf

Unsere Turniere

Turniere in 2025